MOXIE - A Quick Guide for a Successful School Leavers Hoodies Project

A Quick Guide for a Successful School Leavers Hoodies Project

Leavers hoodies, created together online

Launching a school leavers' hoodies project is an exciting time that brings students together to commemorate their journey through education. With MOXIE Leavers by your side, you can turn this project into a seamless and memorable experience. Here's your two-minute guide to getting started:

1. Planning is Key

Before diving into the design process, take some time to plan out the project. Determine key details such as the hoodie style, colour options, sizes needed, and budget considerations. Set a timeline for the project, ensuring you have ample time for design approval, ordering, and distribution.

2. Get Creative with Design

With MOXIE Leavers, you have the freedom to unleash your creativity. Gather input from your fellow students to come up with a design that reflects your school's spirit and identity. Whether it's a custom logo, catchy slogan, or unique artwork, let your imagination run wild and create a design that resonates with your graduating class.

3. Choose Quality Materials

MOXIE Leavers is committed to providing high-quality hoodies that stand the test of time. Choose from a range of comfortable and durable fabrics to ensure your classmates will enjoy wearing their hoodies for years to come. Consider options such as cotton blends or moisture-wicking materials for added comfort and functionality.

4. Personalise Each Hoodie

Make each hoodie feel truly special by personalising it with individual names or nicknames. MOXIE Leavers offers customisation options that allow you to add names or initials to each hoodie, creating a personalised touch that enhances the sense of belonging and camaraderie among your classmates.

5. Spread the Word

Once your design is finalised and hoodies are ordered, it's time to spread the word and generate excitement among your students and school community.

6. Collect Orders Efficiently

Streamline the order collection process by setting up an online ordering system with MOXIE Leavers. This allows classmates to easily place their orders and ensures accurate tracking of sizes and customisation preferences. Provide clear instructions and deadlines for placing orders to avoid any last-minute rush.

7. Celebrate Together

Finally, when the hoodies arrive, gather your classmates for a memorable unveiling ceremony or distribution event. Celebrate this milestone together and capture the moment with photos and videos to cherish for years to come. With MOXIE Leavers hoodies, you'll create lasting memories that symbolise the bonds forged during your time in school.

With MOXIE Leavers as your partner, launching your school leavers hoodies project is a breeze. Follow these simple steps, and soon you'll be proudly sporting your custom-designed hoodies, ready to embark on the next chapter of your journey.